Computer Billing Solutions

for Civil Engineering Billing

Preparation of Running Account Bills, Final Bills, and Statements, etc.

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Password: 1234


Master data from Excel
Bill export to Excel, pdf
Statements of reconcilement
online billing
Bill over mobile
Browser based billing

Billing Software for Civil Engineering

Preparation of Running Account Bills, Final Bills, and Statements like, Part rate withheld statement, Cement Consumption, Variation statement, Materials management, grouping quantities into Bulding, Floor, Member wise for easy verification of Measurements etc.
The software onlineCBS is integrated with MS excel. All the Bill details can be sent to excel file with linking formulas and auto page setting, Count can be given in standard mathematical formula like 1*2*2.5*(1.2+2.5)/2 in a single cell etc.
Master data of Bills can be created from excel work order(BOQ) file easily.
Works on all devices, mobiles with internet access.

Video Help


Online Civil Engineering Billing is a web application for preparing Running Account and Final Bills, Brief intruduction with salient features are explain in this video. 

Registration, plan, payments and activation

Details of User registration and activation of user account, Payment of plan choosen through payumoney gateway, Activation of payment with activation code and Choosing number of works bills and extension of validity of works bills, Sub user creation, activation, restricting works and items specific to subuser by super user etc., 

BOQ from excel and old CBS

Master BOQ importing from excel file or from old CBS (offline), Parts , Items, Deductions management etc 

Billing to excel, pdf

Bill export to excel with linking formulas, export to pdf viewable on mobile devices, Secured advances, pasting of measurements from excel etc. 

Bar Bending schedule, grouping Bldg,Floor and Member, Variation and Material receipts

Barbending scedule for entire work at a glance and quantification of measured work by grouping Building/Floor/Members. Variation statement and Material receipts mangement. 

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