Computer Billing Solutions

for Civil Engineering Schedule of Rates & Estimates

Preparation of Running Account Bills, Final Bills, and Statements, etc.

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Password: 1234


Multiple Area Rate provision
Multiple categories under each SOR
Market Rate analysis
Analysis of Rates
SOR report to searchable pdf
Generation of Estimates
Duplication of estimate
Repricing of estimate for different areas
Men & Material Requirement
Sub Head Costing
Subuser management for viewing or editing data.
Multi user sharing.
Can access data from any device,
any platform and from any where.
Cloud Platform with high speed data processing.

Schedule of Rates & Estimates  for Civil Engineering

Preparation of Standard Scedule of Rates and Estimates.
The software is integrated with MS excel. All the details can be imported from existing excel data files.
Data can be created manually also.
Multiple Area rates can be used to generate SOR and Estimates
Estimate BOQ can be prepared for SOR with Area

Video Help


Online Civil Engineering Schedule of Rates and Estimates is a web application for preparing Rate analysis for all finished items of SOR. Market rate enquiry and analysis of basic rates. Brief intruduction with salient features are explain in this video. 

Registration, plan, payments and activation

Details of User registration and activation of user account, Payment of plan choosen through payumoney gateway, Activation of payment with activation code and Choosing number of works bills, Schedule of rates, estimates and extension of validity of Plan, Sub user creation, activation, restricting access to subuser by super user etc., 

Schedule of Rates

Master SOR data can be imported from excel file. 
Labour, Material, Machinery, Sundries and carting etc 
searchable SOR pdf output.

Rate Analysis

Market rate enquiry of Labour, Machinery and Materials.
Analysis of Rates including carting.
user can define taxes, profits and over heads
Searchable pdf output.


Estimates can be prepared by adding SOR items and adding measurements easily.
Estimate can be repriced with other area rates easily.
Copy or duplicate estimate easily.
get Men and material requirement for the estimate.
Sub Head Costing
Graphs for costings and much more.

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